The good news
Matt 28:19-20 : "Go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the world."

Life is full of questions. We are often too busy to think about them. But sometimes we have to face these questions. Moreover we must really know: who am I? Why am I here? Who really cares? Where do we go from here?
Of course, there are answers. But the wrong answers will ruin you. When you need the right answers to life's tough questions, you can find them. Look in the book - the Bible.
The Bible is God's book - the complete manual of life that he designed for all mankind. Everyone can read and understand his essential and fundamental answers to life's questions. Here is a summary:
Who am I?
The Bible explains who we are: "In the beginning God created heaven and earth...and God made man his own image, male and female he created them." The human race is but one family descended from our first parents Adam and Eve. Through work, family, society, we were designed to benefit and please God our creator.
Why am I here?
We started in heaven - but we're not in heaven now! Why is life so full of conflict, pain, misery and death? Because we are lost. Our first parents rebelled against God and therefore brought the entire human family under the curse of sin. We are all born alienated from God, so morally deformed that we disappoint him, disobey him, dishonor him and despise him. The law of God requires total love for God and equal love for our neighbor. By this measure, each one of us is lost, helpless, doomed. And we just can't save ourselves: nothing we can forgive and cleanse ourselves for sin that only God can give. Sin is the " bad news " of life that we must face.
Who really cares?
The Bible brings " good news " to deal with the "bad news" of our sin. Jesus Christ is God's only answer to the biggest problem. God the Father sent his only son Jesus Christ into the world. As God revealed in the flesh, Christ took our place to save us from our sins. He fulfilled all righteousness for us through his sinless life. He "gave his life as a ransom for many by dying on the cross. This is the good news" Christ died for our sins...and was buried and resurrected again on the third day according to the scriptures." Yes, Jesus Christ is alive! He physically rose from the dead and now rules over all things in heaven and earth to save us from our sin. Father and son, have now sent God the Holy Spirit to deliver us personally from sin and to grant us the light, life and love that Christ had shown through his blood. This is God's invitation to you: you can be saved today. "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" ( John 3:16 ).
Where do I go from here?
The Lord Jesus commanded his people to "go into all the world and preach the gospel". He commands all to "repent and believe the gospel message." With the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we must repent and believe. In repentance we face, cry, hate, confess and forsake all our sins and return to God. In faith, we trust only in the Savior Jesus, relying solely on his atoning work*.
The Savior offers all who repent and believe a future of hope and new life. He calls on all believers to bear open witness: "He who believes and is baptized will be saved." He calls them to follow him in the community of his people, he calls them to follow him in the community of his people, the local church. He promises us victory over death and eternal life: "I will return and receive you to myself and where I am there, perhaps you are also."
When you repent of your sin, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be saved. You will discover the true meaning of life: "For to me to live is Christ." Behold now is the time of the accepted; Today is the day of salvation. Repent and believe the message of the Gospel.
Why should you worship God?
Quite simply, because he created you in order to glorify him and to love him forever. We are convinced that there is no God like the Lord and our main concern, passion and pleasure is to pursue him and exalt his son Jesus Christ. To do this, we strive to submit our thoughts, judgments, and feelings to the Word of God as the only infallible and sufficient rule of faith and conduct. In our worship, we come without affectations - in simplicity, in reverence and in joy.
In the Evangelical Baptist Church of Plateau fofo, you will find a welcoming community, made up of individuals from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds, sharing a common love for the Lord Jesus and for each other. It would be for us a real pleasure to welcome you among us!
*Erase (an evil action) by suffering a penalty.