EEBPF was not always the church you know today. Just as the Kingdom of God which started with a mustard seed and grew into a mighty green tree, so we have gradually advanced to where we are. We continue our walk with the Lord in order to make him known to as many people as possible. Here is a summary of our journey.
1 Corinthians 15:10 : "By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace towards me was not in vain;"

In 1971, at the end of my studies at the Biblical Institute of Nogent, I returned to Martinique to
put at the service of my church located in Crozanville, where I was an assistant pastor for ten years.
I divided my time of service between the church of Basse-Pointe and that of Crozanville.
This time of training has been entirely beneficial to me, alongside dedicated and rigorous leaders; yet certain things had created in me a deep reflection.
Once, particularly affected, I fell asleep without a solution to my problem when I was awakened in the middle of the night, in a particular way, with this order resounding in my head: “You are going to open a meeting room at Plateau Fofo”.
In my turn, I woke up my wife to communicate to her the order of the Lord that I had just received and together we prayed and praised God, we were in 1978.
I also told my mother about it, who told me that for a long time,
she harbored a great desire to see a work created in the neighborhood.
From then on, we thought about how to make it possible.
In 1980, work began and lasted two years. Our Saturdays
were dedicated to them. The entire floor of the family home located at 46
avenue du Plateau Fofo underwent transformations and gave way to a
room of 100m2 in area with in addition, in the basement three other rooms
prepared in anticipation of nursery and Bible study groups.
I must say that neither the projects nor the works received much encouragement. Should we be discouraged? Not at all!
The first service was celebrated on the last Sunday of January 1982
with about twenty adults, I was certain that God would bless his work.
Soon enough, we saw the first people convert and we
administered the first baptisms. Today, we bless the Lord, because this work has never ceased to progress, proof that he was really at its origin.
We did evangelistic work in the vicinity of the place of worship and the first convert was the one known as Sister Paul.
The first baptism took place at the met of Anse Madame more exactly. About
two years later, it was clear that we could not envisage a very long stay in the room we occupied at 46 Avenue Emile MAURICE at the Plateau Foto since it was filling up very quickly.
Another thing, for its development it was important that the assembly be installed in contort conditions
and space that we didn't have. But despite our persevering research for years, we had to face the facts. finding land for the establishment of the place of worship was a miracle. But He who commanded also gave.
A congregational brother who was in real estate offered us land on which the temple today stands. We saw the finger of God in our favor when the letter by which the municipality confirmed its decision to exercise its right of first refusal (despite my entreaties after the mayor in place at the time) arrived at the notary two days after the legal deadline.
We were therefore able to sign the deed of purchase which made the Church the owner
of the place.
The Lord also showed us his greatness not only in the great disinterestedness shown by the architect concerning his due, but also for a great favor coming from the engineer.
During the construction, his faithfulness and his powerful arm protected us during an accident which could have had serious consequences. Today, we are especially grateful for his helping hand.
Work began in May 1992 and was completed two years later.
We met several dozen, some Saturdays to advance the work: lunch being prepared by the sisters. I count, on a Saturday up to 70 people came to help (which contrasts sharply with the current number of the first Saturdays of the month). Our first service was during 1994 on the occasion of Mother's Day.
This month of May 2012 marks the 18th year of our installation at 17 Rue du Petit Florentin.
Today, our reception capacity requires in-depth reflection. It is truly the sign of growth that we must appreciate by seeking a solution to accommodate the greatest number in comfortable conditions.
Pst Paul Moulin

״ ... I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. "